Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Consistent with the great commission, our aim is to ensure that everyone hears the gospel and comes to experience the life changing power of God’s love and the sacrifice made for each of us to experience fullness of life through Him. This takes place through engaged church members who are directly involved in missions, giving and support and in formal partnerships with individual missionaries, Christian non-profits, and global missions organizations. In this way, we have the honor and privilege to support the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel here, near and far.

We exist to share the love of Jesus on the Central Coast, and the world. We do this in very practical ways through our Compassion Ministries. As an example, we provide free food to hundreds of families each week through our Angel Food Program. We are also helping to meet tangible needs in our community for many through our City Serve Ministry. Through these outreach efforts we are leaning into the needs of our local community with a special focus on:
Internationally we are feeding over 300 impoverished children everyday through the amazing work of Convoy of Hope. We currently support an additional 20 local, national and international ministries and organizations who work to meet the needs of the vulnerable. We are also blessed to support 40 missionaries around the world who are planting churches, training pastors, serving the poor, and sharing the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
- The Hungry
- The Orphan
- The Widow
- The Single Parent
- The Homeless
- The Grieving
- The Divorced
- The Exploited
- The Addicted
- The Prisoner
Internationally we are feeding over 300 impoverished children everyday through the amazing work of Convoy of Hope. We currently support an additional 20 local, national and international ministries and organizations who work to meet the needs of the vulnerable. We are also blessed to support 40 missionaries around the world who are planting churches, training pastors, serving the poor, and sharing the gospel message of Jesus Christ.